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Friday, September 25, 2009


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Monday, September 21, 2009

Scarlet Citidal Loot

hi , as you know we got many ninjas in Scarlet citidal raids ,
i contacted to henhouse and he fixed looting ...
from now we can set a master looter that is able to give items to people
with roll or whatever

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Scarlet Citidal Guide

Hello People , As you know we did Scarlet Citidal as soon as we were possible and as you saw
70% Of all we Wiped . i think the only reason that can make us wiped is boss tactics and abilities
most of members dont know boss abilities ...
So i decided to put a guide here for people who are coming!

First Boss

abilities :

Whirlwind - Like a Warrior (AoE Ability)
Consecration - Like a Paladin (AoE Ability)
Fear - Like a Warlock (Fears 1 Player per Cast)

at 50% HP Boss Will Summon Adds that off tank should taunt them AS SOON AS its Possible
They have Big Demage , So Off Tank should taunt it realy QUICKLY
3 Attacks on healers from this mobs = Wipe

at 10% Boss Will Enrage , but this is not a big problem
just need more heals

TANKS --> Always Watch Out for Whirlwind and Consecration untill boss is alive!

Second Boss

There is no problem in killing this boss 4 mobs around boss that dont aggro any one even when you are sitting near them (Just like horde and allyance General in hyjal)
You need to attack them for getting aggroand also they are not followed each other ...
you can kill first mob , second mob , third mob then forth one (1 by 1)
Now For Boss this boss has weak script (not like others) so there is no worries
Just need active healer on this one!

Third Boss

Abilities :
Rain Of Fire - Like a Warlock (AoE Ability)
Fire Ball - Like a Mage
- About Fire Ball
Boss Casts Fire ball To all raid members (Random)

when you start attacking boss , boss is still on his place and he will come to youwhen his hp goes under 99% (So Dont Spam in raid that this is bug)
also boss will summon adds that if we let them alive more than 2 mins (maximum)
They make us wipe!
adds will be summon on the roof , ranged dps should kill them as soos as they are summoned you know why ?
Cus they do INSTANT Fireball (Like PoM - Fireball) to raid members (random)So as soon as you see adds stop dpsing boss and dps adds JUST KILL THEM!
TANKS --> Always Watch out for Rain of Fire untill boss is alive
(tanks should move boss to another area of room)

Last Boss

Abilities :
Consecration - Like a Paladin (AoE Ability)

This boss has only one ability but he still hits hard with out counting ability
This Consecration is MUCH BIGGER than first boss , Tanks realy need to move as soos as he do Consecration
and also melee dps should follow tank . little mistake from tank on this boss can make raid wipe.
like if you stay MAXIMUM 4 Secs in his Consecration you are died (even with heals)
he may stun tank for 5 secs ... (like 5%)
ive never seen 3 stuns in a fight but this may make problem ...
imagine that he stuns tank and after that he do Consecrationits
healers Turn , Just Spam heal on tank

About Keys

keys are needed to open the chamber thats full of sunwell items
just 1 of raid members should collect all 4 keys
cus at end there something like quest that needs all 4 keys and that person should completequest and open the chamber door for all raid members.
(in our guild leader is able to chose who collect keys)
now when we arrive into chamber we need to open something like box ...
IMPORTANT : MASTER LOOTER IS NOT ABLE TO GIVE ITEMS FROM THAT BOXIF YOU CLICK ON THAT ITEM , YOU WILL GET IT!(in our guild nobody clicks on any items untill raid leader say who get that item if some body did this = Kick out of guild + may ignored by some members +we can get that item from you easily ... so dont do this stupid thing)

i think i didnt miss anything
Hope to have a good raid with out any wipe :p

also dont forgot comments :

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Omen - Threat Meter

Finally I have found a good addons for holding aggro on tanks .
This is a Perfect one , So dont Miss it :P
Click Download to begin.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quest Helper

Here is a Quest Helper for those who dont have
Click Download to begin.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Damage Meter

Damage Meter

Here is Damage Meters , Download and Enjoy !

(Link Fixed for 2.4.3) - Download Link Updated -

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